1. 入房時間:下午3點後。退房時間:中午10點前。 Check in anytime after 3 PM. Check out before 10 AM. 2. 晚間10:00過後請放低音量。 Please keep your voice down and volume down the television after 10 PM. 3. 帶小孩入住的情況下,為了防止意外發生,請勿讓他們單獨在陽台上玩耍、靠近窗戶或攀爬扶 手。 Please keep your children away from playing alone on the balcony, approaching the windows or playing at the handrail. 4. 禁止攜帶寵物以維護環境衛生。 To maintain the quality of living, please do not take your pet here. 5. 如有惡意弄髒房間,將額外收取清潔費$1000. Please keep the room clean. Extra $1000 cleaning fee will be incurred if the room is purposefully dirtied. 6. 請愛護公共設施及房間物品,如有惡意毀損,照價賠償。 Please take good care of public facilities and any room items. If any damage occurred, compensation will be required. 7. 住宿期間貴重物品請小心保管,如有遺失的情況發生,民宿將不負賠償責任。 Please take care of your personal belongings. We won’t take any responsibility for your belongings. 8. 為維護住宿品質安全,本場所室內嚴禁吸煙、酗酒、賭博。如有發現,本店將不退任何費用,強 制退房。(每房皆設有煙霧偵測器) SMOKING, DRINKING and GAMBLING are strictly prohibited. If it happens, we will not offer a refund and your room will be canceled accordingly. 9. 請依實際人數入住,若增加住房人數,未告知者,每一人加收500元清潔費 Please check-in only with the number of people shown on booking. If there are extra people check-in, we will charge $500 extra fee per each. 10. 民宿內嚴禁、吸毒、嗑藥、打架、色情交易 、攜帶違禁藥品及危險物品,如發現即報警處理。 No party events, drug activities, illegal items and prostitution, the police will be notified immediately. 11. 出門請關閉電源及冷氣。 Turn off all the electronic devices, lights and AC before going out. 12. 免費wifi密碼: Free wifi password 「13888888」